Sunday, May 6, 2007

Long Day (and Week [and also, weak])

This past week has been ridiculous, complete with absurd work hours and co-worker hissy fits. Can't you tell how excited I am to go back tomorrow?

Fuzzy and I spent the day clearing brush out at PineTop. It was a beautiful day, in the mid 60's and completely clear. Fuzzy mowed big swaths through the field while I axed down Autumn Olives and Rugosa Roses. Bastards. My arms are so scratched up, I'm worried the kids I work with are going to think I'm a cutter.

After consulting with Fuzzy on some pressing matter like brush here versus brush there, I was walking down one of the newly trimmed paths when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, that subtle change in ground pattern that says "snake." Its back was the mottled brown of fallen leaves and I instantly thought Copperhead. But its head was benignly rounded, and its eyes not the least bit slittly, so it was more like an Eastern Milksnake. Scared the shit out of me, regardless. I'm not scared of snakes on principle, but when they are suddenly about two feet to my right, it's a little different.

In other news, today is Fuzzy's birthday! Happy Birthday, Oh Love of My Life!

Oh, and the picture isn't mine, it's from