So, in honor of the holiday that gave me a full week off of work (though it could be argued that it's really the start of rifle season that gave me the week off), here are the top ten things that I am thankful for this year:
10. WVU has a shot at the BCS championship. Let's Go Mountaineers!
9. Our new garage door. It significantly lowers the squalor alert level on our current residence.
8. While we're at it, the current residence. Is it a shithole? Yes. Is our mortgage payment less than $150 a month? Also yes. And hopefully we'll eventually be able to sell it and make a little money off it.
7. In the same vein, having a handy husband. He can change the oil on the cars, replace the garage door, and make fabulous homefries, all while I'm still in bed.
6. Used goods. From cars to chairs to sweaters, I'm thankful for the plethora of used-whatever stores in our area. Just yesterday, we bought three t-shirts, a sweater, a dehumidifier, a chair and ottoman, and a figurine of a caterpillar smoking a pipe, all for less than $30.
5. Reasonably secure jobs. Not having to obsess too much about how the bills are going to get paid makes me a much happier girl.
4. Health Insurance. I can now get my lady bits checked out for the low, low price of a $10 co-pay.
3. Our fabulous friends. We went out for drinks on Tuesday night with some friends from the area who now live in New York. We had such a good time and I left with a feeling of warm-fuzziness and general all-is-right-with-the-worldness.
2. My awesome family (In-Laws included!). I have been so unbelievably blessed in the family department. No, really.
1. Having a partner in life. Sappy as it sounds, Fuzzy truly does complete me, and I can't imagine my life without him. I never thought I would be this glad to be married .
Ok, enough with the cheese. Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!