Sunday, June 24, 2007


So, how was your weekend? Lovely, I hope. Filled with soft lighting and romantic interludes and unicorns dancing on a freshly cut lawn. And what did I do this weekend, you ask? Well I assisted my groom in the construction of an open-air lavatory. A shithouse, if you will.

In all fairness, I mostly fetched gatorade and held things up while they got attached to various other things, but I did wield the drill a time or two and I even made a few (flawless, of course) cuts with the power saw. And I have to admit, the results make me inordinately happy. Is it wrong to take pride in a questionably constructed outhouse? The door goes up next weekend and I'm thinking of painting the outside dark green to blend with the pines.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Fuzzy and I are officially hitched! We had a very simple ceremony on top of a rock at a local state forest followed by a cook-out in a CCC-constructed pavilion with family and friends. I really don't think it could have gone any better. Set up was a bit of a bitch, but my fabulous mother handled a lot of the details for us, setting up the tables with little centerpieces of miniature twig birds nests filled with roasted marshmallow flavored jelly beans (they look very egg-like!) and flower arrangements of peonies from our yard and larkspur and coreopsis from a friend's farm.

Afterwards, Fuzzy and I headed out to PineTop for a low-key celebration with our friends, complete with waaaaay too much beer (mmmm, Bodington's) and left over cook-out food. The stars were amazing and several of our friends commented that they hadn't seen such a vibrant night sky since their childhood. I really couldn't have hoped for a more perfect day or night. And now I get to spend the rest of my life with the greatest guy ever. Doesn't get much better than that.

Oh, and please disregard how fat I am in the pictures. Clearly the vegan diet went out the window several weeks ago and was replaced by the insane stress eating diet.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


It occurred to me that though I've posted about my awesome friends in Louisiana, I've failed to mention the wonderful community I've found in West Virginia. And no, I don't mean the little hilltop coal camp we live in, where I just had to yell at a pubescent boy for throwing rocks at the neighbor's dog. I mean the people I've met through Fuzzy and the center I work at.

A few weeks ago, during the preschool that we host at the center, the preschool teacher came running up to me, saying "Oh my god, one of the kids fell in the gym and his nose is bleeding! Come quick!" I wondered whether I should fetch the first aid kit as I ran after her into the gym. But instead of a bloody-nosed boy, I found the parents of the preschool children, my friends, and Fuzzy's mom standing in front of a table piled with food and presents, a surprise bridal shower for me. I instantly burst into tears (which is well documented in several rolls of highly embarrassing pictures). No one had ever thrown me a surprise anything in my life. We all ate far too much, then the children sat in a circle around me as I opened the presents. Later, when I described the event to my mom, she told me, "You've really picked a good place to live." And she was absolutely right.

Today, two of my best friends picked me up at my house, took me to dinner at my favorite Mexican place, stuffed me with fajitas, poured margaritas down my throat, then bought me beer and ice cream and sat with me on a back porch for about four hours. At the end of the evening I was presented with a bag full of condoms, a deck of card printed with 52 different sex games, and a tiny penis eraser. You can't find better community than that.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Hello, My name is Elizabeth and I Go to Bed at 8

Sorry for the temporary abandonment of the blog. Between wedding plans, crazy end-of-the-school-year kids, and the brutal heat that has settled over West Virginia like a broody hen, I've been tending to go straight to bed when I get home from work. Lame, I know.

The wedding is next Saturday and I'm feeling oddly calm. Stressed as hell about the relatives coming, but calm about the actual nuptials. The thought of spending the rest of my days with Fuzzy makes me breathe a little deeper, a little slower.

In non-wedding related news, the garden is planted, the strawberries are in full production, and the peonies and rhododendrons are both in riotous bloom. Fuzzy and I found wild azaleas on PineTop last week, looking much like their domestic cousins, and several wild blueberry bushes that took several rounds of googling to identify.

Life has been harried and good in the last few weeks. At least once a day, in the middle of applying spackle to our pock-marked walls or pulling up invasive roses with the truck, Fuzzy will turn to me, smile, and say "We're getting married!"